Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Creating a New Weblogic Service Cheatsheet

This is fairly implementation specific and needs more work but it gives a general idea of the steps needed to create a new webservice.

1. Create WSDL/Schema
2. Run scomp to generate XMLBeans jar and copy to project path
3. Copy types.xml from other service and edit (or generate using autotypes)
4. Run ant targets:

For info see:

5. Edit build.xml and run local build
6. Create test page HTML and JSP
7. Update properties file for WSDL URL (
8. Build XML
1. Add jar to compile
2. Add war target
3. Add war to ear build
9. Add to application.xml
10. Add to config.xml


11. From wsdl: “Message” node attribute “type” must correspond to “types.xml”//”type-mapping”//”type-mapping entry” attribute “Type”.
12. XMLNS:xx in type-mapping-entry must correspond to wsdl->scheme::Target Namespace.

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