Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We've been re-architecting our application from Swing to GWT and it's been working quite well. GWT is surprisingly stable and non-quirky. In general. It has some visual issues with IE6 but then IE6 has some issues with IE6.

One thing we did was use an event bus to pass events around. This solved a number of issues for us. Sometimes an event in one view would need to trigger a change in another view, or multiple views and this pattern allowed us to easily trigger those changes without having to clutter up the interfaces of parent classes.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Testing Testing

The different ways to test a DB connection:

DB2 use: SELECT 1 FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
Oracle use: SELECT 1 from dual

Why do DB2 and Oracle always have to be different? Just because they can?